Quiz Games (Kahoot , Socrative , Plickers )

Thursday, June 4, 2015

   Kahoot is an online multiple choice quiz game that can be used to see the progress of the students while entertaning them at the same time. It can be quite competitive for the students and get them excited . They might even ask for it at the end of each class. The quizzez can be created over here.

 Here you can find an example  Kahoot quiz that we have created with a group of 5 classmates on Reported Speech.

 Socrative is an another quiz game like kahoot.Students are automatically divided into teams by the system.

 Here is the code to an example quiz that we have created with the classmates:

  Plickers can be used in cases where the students do not have computers , tablets or mobile phones.
Log into plickers , create a page for each student so that the name of the students will be codded.
Hand each student their plicker card ,ask a question and get them to hold up their cards according to their answers.Use your smartphone to check who replied what . This simple!

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